Can't say I've played anything in the series after SA2B.
Well, here are somehting I thought of (and I hate to type it all again after my computer got a memory error):
NintencalizationLocalization should be generally hated, since this means some regions get something while others don't. They range from text changes, bugs to features. A huge list of examples are:
Super Mario World - No L+R to replay beaten castle in JP version.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - In Beat Block Galaxy, the music in the star "Silver Stars in Double Time" was 4 times as fast. Apparently the translators couldn't count beats.
Super Paper Mario - English version has more references to Mario-related stuff.
Fire Emblem 7 - NA version has the special ending (about how the story of FE6 started) unlocked by defualy while JP has to connect to FE6 or beat the game 11 times, and it is not there in the EU version at all.
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - JP version has the Maniac version and the 255-crit custom weapon bug.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Non-JP version has 16:9 support, character illustration galery, preview videos for each part of the story and personal weapon for Edward, Leonardo and Nolan. On the other hand, Non-JP version also has much story inconsistencies (like the spelling of Sephiran's title, Duke or Persis, and the Guiding Tower is now the Tower of Guidance), the cannot-load-FE9-save-with-Easy-record bug (version 1.0 only, fixed in 1.1) and the fac tthat 16:9 is supported led to some graphical issue (see top right of
this video). The voice acting in the English version is also weird, especially the part child Ike has a grown-up voice.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - Non-JP version has 6 battle maps instead of 1. The Japanese FE12 has 6 battle maps.
WarioWare Twisted! - Censorship. The few microgames that take place on a bar table has the cocktail-like liquid changed into milk, but with the background music unchanged, which is kind of weird. 9-Volt's stage was changed (pixel-like graphics in an already low-res system is strange to me). I personally prefer "Speed Up" to "Faster" too, since the latter doesn't sound nearly as exciting.
Luigi's Mansion 1 - European Hidden Mansion.
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures - Navi Trackers is only present in the JP version.
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - In the JP version, Broque Monsieur would mix Engrish in his lines. In the English version, he would have a stereotypical French accent (complete with grammatically incorrect French in some lines). In the NOA French/Spanish versions? Nay, he doesn't speak English. What a bummer.
Yoshi's Story - JP version lacks the language select feature and the interrupt save feature. This means that you need to beat the game in one go (high score is saved, not progress). I still want to have my 1000 Wii Points back.
Donkey Kong Country Returns, Excitebike: World Rally and other made-outside-Japan games: The font in the original game is lost in the Japanese version, and is replaced with a much more boring Arial Rounded MT Bold-like font.
Kirby Air Ride: City Trial has its own ending music in the overseas version. In the JP version, the ending movie uses the Hidden City music.
Much of these rants are actually quite trivial, but they still mean games should not be drawn with an equal mark across versions.
Games that are similar on way or anotherThis is nothing special at all, but it is still interesting to see which games share codebase with or is otherwise similar to each other. Showing examples here would explain it more clearly, I guess.
Games that are essentially level packs with new features
- Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros: Lost Levels
- Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror and Kirby: Squeak Squad
- Fire Emlbem 6, 7, 8, Advance Wars 1 and 2
- Advance Wars: Days of Ruins, Fire Emblem 11 and 12
- Link's Awakening, For the Frog the Bell Tolls (and the Oracles too?)
- Metroid 1 and Kid Icarus 1
Games that share certain mechanics
- Super Smash Bros Melee and Kirby Air Ride (certain 3D models of Kirby's abilities, Kirby's jumping physics)
- WarioWare series and Rhythm Heaven series (look and feel, being rhythm-based)
Containing elements from other games
- What NinDB has been covering all the time, cameos, are everywhere in different games
- Rhythm Heaven (Wii) has an endless game with the
"Speed Up" notice from WarioWare- F-ZERO series and Star Fox series have one common thing called the G-diffuser; this is pointed in the Japanese Melee trophy of the Arwing too
- The Japanese font of the in-game text of Fire Emblem 11 and 12 are from WarioWare Mega Microgame$, Twisted! and Touched!; they made a seperate set of letters for the latin alphabets, which is used in the overseas version of FE11 (instead of using the full-width version like they did in WarioWare)